by Mary Sutton / mary_sutton73
In case you missed it, I had a couple of guest blog posts published on To Be Read Books last week. Continue reading “Blog Posts and News”
Compassion, loyalty…and crime
by Mary Sutton / mary_sutton73
In case you missed it, I had a couple of guest blog posts published on To Be Read Books last week. Continue reading “Blog Posts and News”
by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73
I’ve always been kind of happy that I can watch TV shows without descending into writing nitpicks. I mean, sometimes you just want to watch a show without obsessing about the details, right? Continue reading “Turning a Writing Corner”
by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73
So just what is “power play day?” Well…
A “power play” in hockey is when one team is playing with one or more players than the other as the result of a penalty. And hockey is very much front and center in Stacy Juba’s young adult book, Face Off. The book, a re-issue of the original, deals with twins Brad and TJ, whose rivalry isn’t limited to the action on the ice. Who will come out on top? You’ll have to read (or listen) to find out. Continue reading “Power Play Day with Stacy Juba”
by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73
Author: C. Lee McKenzie
Personal Rating 4/5 stars
When Pete Riley loses his parents and is shipped off to live with his Aunt Lizzie, he doesn’t think life can get much worse. Hadleytown is down-right boring. The only excitement comes from pranks and hanging with his friend Weasel. That is, things are boring until the Hadley Mansion, which hasn’t been seen in 100 years, appears out of nowhere. Now Pete is hearing Harriet Hadley’s voice in his head, making wishes come true, and talking to alligators. And what is all this about Aunt Lizzie being a witch? Continue reading “Book Review: Alligators Overhead”
Title: The Forgotten Ones
Author: Laura Howard
Genre: NA Paranormal Fantasy Romance
Expected release date: May 15, 2013
Age Group: New Adult
Cover Designer: Stephanie Mooney Continue reading “Cover Reveal – Laura Howard’s THE FORGOTTEN ONES”
by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73
I was invited to visit with a group of crime fiction writers, the Mysteristas, at their blog today and answer a few questions – including some about Hero’s Sword.
Please come visit and ask your own question!
by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73
Personal rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Over the holidays, I had the opportunity to read Slain in the Spirit, by Walt Rosenfeld. The book is a near-future sci-fi mystery and the themes are extremely familiar in today’s world: environmentalism, the ethics of medical advances, and combat PTSD. Continue reading “Book Review: Slain in the Spirit”
Yesterday, I was featured as a guest blogger by sci-fi author and freelance editor +Bryan Thomas Schmidt where I discussed world-building.
Check out the post here and please, leave a comment!
by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73
My friend Amy has often talked about numbers. See, she’s an endurance athlete. And they kinda pay attention to things like pace, laps, intervals – all stuff that revolves around numbers. As in “how fast” and “how many.” Continue reading “The Numbers Game”
by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73
It was a fine day, just like any other day, right up until I read this blog post from Nathan Bransford on the results of his (admittedly unscientific) poll on buying ebooks.
Bransford found that, for the first time, the percentage of people who said you’d have to pry paper books out of their “cold, dead hands” stayed the same. The percentage of people who professed to embrace ebooks also stayed the same. Continue reading “What is a “Real” Book?”