
The Next Big Thing Blog Chain

by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

So, a couple weeks ago, fellow Sister in Crime Nancy Adams tagged me in this blog chain project called “The Next Big Thing.” Essentially, authors answer ten questions about their current work in progress, then tag someone else. I had a bit of a hard time deciding what to answer the questions on, but I think I’m going to use the ebook that is currently in production. So here goes: Continue reading “The Next Big Thing Blog Chain”

Hero’s Sword: Power Play – Excerpt 2

by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

I leave for a fun-filled writing weekend in a few hours, but I leave you with a second excerpt from the upcoming ebook, Power Play: Hero’s Sword Volume 2. In this scene, Jaycee facts a test with the sword – a test that could make the difference in proving that she is indeed Lyla Stormbringer.

If you missed the first excerpt, read it here. Continue reading “Hero’s Sword: Power Play – Excerpt 2”

Hero’s Sword: Power Play Excerpt

by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

So if you’ve followed me on Twitter and Facebook, you know that production has begun on what will, most likely, be my first published work. Power Play:Hero’s Sword Volum 1 is the first book in a series for middle-grade kids, age 8-10. A good comparison would be the wildly successful “Magic Treehouse” books. The books are approximately 20,000 words and divided into chapters. Continue reading “Hero’s Sword: Power Play Excerpt”

A Writer by Any Other Name

By Mary Sutton / @marysutton_73

I’ve got names on the brain lately.

If you’re a Shakespeare fan, you’re familiar with Juliet’s thoughts on the topic of names.

‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; Continue reading “A Writer by Any Other Name”