Well, sort of. Yesterday was the annual Festival of Mystery hosted by the Mystery Lover’s Book Shop in Oakmont, PA. Over forty authors packed into one hall to showcase books, rub elbows, and have mini-interviews. Continue reading “I’m Now a Festival Veteran”
Title First – or Story?
A few weeks ago, I cam up with a great title for a mystery: Every Other Wednesday is Murder.
Here’s the problem. I don’t have a story to go with it. Continue reading “Title First – or Story?”
Life is Fiction
So, a lot of authors these days are encouraged to set up “author blogs.” This is my attempt at it.
I recently saw a link to an article, via Twitter, that said blog writing is hard for fiction authors. Well, maybe. One of the things the article mentioned to help was to identify your reader, just like you identify a reader for a story. Well, for the purposes of this blog, I hope my readers are like me.They like a good story. Yeah, I write mystery, but I don’t just read mystery. Wasn’t it Faulkner who said that to be a good writer you must read, read, and then read some more? Or something like that. Continue reading “Life is Fiction”