
Scrivener Writetip: Using the Cork Board

by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

Note: I am using Scrivener for Mac. If you are using Windows, please allow for differences.

Okay, okay. So writers are not supposed to write about, um, writing. Or writing tips at least. But my earlier posts on Scrivener continue to get hits and I continue to get asked questions, so perhaps it’s time for a little “Scrivener writing tip” post. Continue reading “Scrivener Writetip: Using the Cork Board”

Updates on My Doings

by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

So, it’s been a busy week.

I received feedback on the ebook I sent out a couple weeks ago – the one I continue to call Young Adult fantasy because I think that’s the most accurate genre (what else would you call a book targeted to the 8-10 age range about a girl who gets transported into a video game? Okay, maybe children’s fantasay.). The publisher was very positive and is looking for cover art. Look for updates here soon. Continue reading “Updates on My Doings”

Expanding the Toolbox

by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

There are many tools in a writer’s toolbox, but none quite like the applications we use for our craft (unless you still write long-hand, in which case God bless you). Like many writers, I have always used just a word processing application to do my writing. I use Microsoft Word, some people may use Word Perfect, but same concept: open application and type. That means you have to find another way to keep track of all those pesky things that writers of fiction must have: character notes, plot synopses, scene descriptions, etc. I used Evernote. Some writers use Microsoft Excel, some just use a separate Word file. Continue reading “Expanding the Toolbox”